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Global wind

The GlobalWind vector in OpenCoord controls the direction and strength of the wind that affects various aspects of your world, including terrain grass, dynamic clouds, and particles.


Here's how to set and manipulate the GlobalWind vector in OpenCoord:

Setting GlobalWind Vector in OpenCoord:

  1. Select the top-level Workspace object in the Explorer window.

  2. In the Properties window, locate the GlobalWind property.

  3. Set the X, Y, and Z values for the direction and strength of the wind. These values determine the wind's direction and intensity.

Particle Influence:

Particles emitted by a ParticleEmitter can follow the global wind vector, but for this to happen:

  • Make sure the emitter's WindAffectsDrag property is enabled.

  • Ensure that the emitter's Drag property is set to a value greater than 0.

  • By default, Fire and Smoke instances already follow the wind vector.

Wind Direction Widget:

To visualize and adjust the global wind vector more easily, you can use the Wind Direction widget. Here's how:

  1. Go to the View tab in OpenCoord.

  2. Locate the Wind Direction widget. It uses a "wind sock" model to show wind direction.

  3. You can set the wind's Speed, Yaw, and Pitch interactively by clicking the desired aspect name and sliding the slider along the bottom.

  4. Alternatively, you can adjust the Yaw or Pitch by manipulating the green ring and blue arrow on the animated portion of the widget.

  5. You can also click and drag the widget to reposition it anywhere in the 3D viewport to see how wind affects different parts of your environment.